Agriculture, Environment, and Health: Sustainable Development in the 21st Century
Vernon Ruttan
Agriculture, Environment, and Health offers a broad and challenging analysis of changes now under way at the global level in institutional design and policy reform that ultimately will promote sustainable growth in agricultural production. Internationally known contributors from the agricultural, health, environmental, and social sciences argue that an interdisciplinary approach is essential to dealing with this global problem. Particular attention is given to the institutions that conduct research and implement changes in technology and practice in the fields of agriculture and health as well as institutions that monitor the changes in resource endowments, the quality of the environment, and the ... Read more
Sustainable development, say the contributors - including Douglass C. North, Carl K. Eicher, and Godfrey Gunatilleke - will be achieved only if knowledge from separate areas is effectively communicated and integrated into the basis of all research conclusions and directives. Agriculture, Environment, and Health contributes to the productive building of bridges between research efforts across the fields of health, environment, and agriculture. Show LessProduct Details
About Vernon Ruttan
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