Crazy Horse: The Strange Man of the Oglalas
Mari Sandoz
“[One] of the great stories of the West, and written . . . in the spirit of the sages, with a scrupulous regard for truth and history.”—Atlantic Monthly
Crazy Horse, the legendary military leader of the Oglala Sioux whose personal power and social nonconformity contributed to his reputation as being “strange,” fought in many famous battles, including the Little Bighorn, and held out tirelessly against the U.S. government’s efforts to confine the Lakotas to reservations. Finally, in the spring of 1877 he surrendered, only to meet a violent death. More than a century later Crazy Horse continues to hold a special ... Read more
Chosen as a 2007 One Book, One Nebraska selection, this edition of Crazy Horse includes discussion questions and a comprehensive glossary to enhance the reader's experience with this classic Sandoz text.
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